Monday, April 22, 2013



     Over spring break, my family and I took and brief trip to Lisbon, Portugal. I knew as soon as I heard the plans for this trip that I wanted to take plenty of photos on this trip. This is why as soon as we left and I forgot our camera at home, we turned the taxi around on the way to the airport. Once we reached Portugal after a long and tiring trip I immediately started planning what I would  photograph. For the next week, I spent my days relieving stress from school by taking hundreds of photos.

     During this trip I wanted to utilize all of the tricks and new techniques that I had learned over the past months. The two things that I paid most attention to which I did not in the past were lighting and over all composition. In the end I think I came away with some of the best photos I've taken. Here are a few of my personal favorites and more will be on my Flickr page soon.

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